
The Two Big Things That Women Are Attracted To In A Man – And Why Money And Looks Are NOT Among Them

Relationship Advice
Splitting up with your girlfriend may have been prompted by either party, but if it was instigated by her, then there were clearly deeper underlying issues. One of the big mistakes that guys do when they are trying to get back with their ex-girlfriend is to think that somehow addressing these ‘big issues’ is the best way to go about getting her back. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Women may say that they wish you were more communicative, more in touch with your feelings etc, etc. But the plain fact is that none of that stuff is… Read the rest

Why Being An Alpha Male IS More Than Looks And Money – How A Few Changes Can Help Get Your Ex Back

Get Ex Girlfriend Back Articles
If you look at which guys are successful with women then often times it would be easy to come to the conclusion that all that is required are looks and money, and you are made. And it would be easy to be worried and constantly looking over your shoulder if you are guy, about which ‘Alpha Dude’ is going to take your girl away, especially if you have split up from your ex-girlfriend, but now want her back. The first thing that you have to change is your mindset about exactly who the ‘prize’ in the relationship really is. If… Read the rest

Getting Your Ex-Boyfriend ATTRACTED To You Is THE Answer To Your Problem Of How To Get Your Ex Back

Get Ex Boyfriend Back Articles
When it comes to trying to get back with your ex-boyfriend it is no doubt a fraught business, and you are probably wondering what to do to get him back. Your female friends are giving you various types of advice, which, although well-meant isn’t a lot of use to you, because it all revolves around either forgetting him, or talking over your issues with him. Neither of which approaches are good strategies if you ACTUALLY want to get him back. Most men are about as non-verbal as it gets, and even if you had a University English Professor as your… Read the rest